• Ministry > Our Daily Bread Ministries

    Who exactly is God?

    Love can mean different things to different people depending on their situation. That’s why Oswald Chambers reminds us to turn to Scripture to find the only true, pure form of love there is—God’s love. His love is perfect and powerful, holy and healing. We can’t even begin to comprehend it apart from His Word. God Is Love leads you to…

    O Come, O Come / Joy to the World

    The well-known English Christian hymn O come, O come, Emmanuel is in fact a translation of the original Latin, Veni, Veni, Emmanuel, and translations into other modern languages (particularly German) are also in widespread use. The 1861 translation is by far, the most prominent in the English-speaking world, but other English translations also exist.

    The great hymn writer, Isaac Watts (1674-1748) introduced…

    What has God given us out of His love?

    Ephesians 2 uses the phrase “dead in your sins.” But what does that really mean? Dead means lifeless, powerless, inanimate. It means we were incapable of doing anything to change our situation. But God is loving and merciful, and He chose to give us new life. That’s the beauty of His grace—we’ve done nothing to deserve it. He simply gives…

    O Holy Night

    Adolphe Adam (1803-1856) was a French composer of several stage and ballet productions. He took this melody to his close friend, poet Cappeau de Roquemaure, who wrote the lyrics. They titled their collaboration Cantique de Noel. The English words we sing today were written by American clergyman and musical scholar John Sullivan Dwight. At first, French church officials denounced Adam’s…

    The Wexford Carol

    The Wexford Carol is a traditional Irish Christmas carol dating back to the 12th century. One of the oldest carols in the European tradition, it has been covered by many artists, including Julie Andrews in 1966, Loreena McKennitt in 1987, and Michael McDonald in 2009.

    Click to [listen to this track].

    Who Can Give You More Than Santa?

    Christmas is a time for gifts, when you might get something nice, or something you’ve always wanted. But these gifts may not bring you true satisfaction or lasting fulfilment. Imagine someone…who knows what you really need. Unlike Santa Claus, this person will give you a gift that brings true satisfaction, something that will meet your deepest, innermost needs. Are you…

    Once in Royal David’s City / O Come All Ye Shepherds

    Once in Royal David’s City is a Christmas carol originally written as poem by Miss Cecil Frances Alexander. The carol was first published in 1848 in Miss Cecil Humphreys’ hymnbook Hymns for little Children. A year later, the English organist Henry John Gauntlett discovered the poem and set it to music. Miss Cecil married the Anglican clergyman William Alexander in 1848…

    Why Love Isn’t A Good Feeling

    I’ll ’fess up. I plain didn’t like Terence (can’t tell you his real name, of course). I didn’t like the way he walked or talked. I couldn’t stand the way he moved around with a swagger, swinging his arms confidently and looking left and right as if he ran the whole church. I didn’t like the way he spoke like…

    Pray With Us

    Join us in prayer as we strive to bring the life-changing wisdom of God's Word to people across the Asia Pacific.

    The Centurion At The Cross

    Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour. About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?” that is, “MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?”... And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil…

    How do I love myself?

    In a society that has seemingly dismissed the issues of the heart, outward appearances have become the source of determining beauty and self-worth. This excerpt from Regina Franklin’s book Who Calls Me Beautiful? offers insights to help you recognize the value of your identity in God. Discover how you can get your heart in the right place, display an attitude that…

    Resources for Singapore

    Check out some of the resources and material available to our readers in Singapore.

    A “Get Out of Hell Free” Card?

    Christianity is simple, isn’t it? After all, don’t Bible bits like John 3:16 show that all you need to do to be a Christian is to believe in God now and then you’ll go to heaven (good place) rather than hell (bad place) when you die? Isn’t Christianity basically a kind of divine life-insurance that mostly affects my (hopefully distant)…

    We Three Kings

    We Three Kings is also known as We Three Kings of Orient Are or The Quest of the Magi. This carol sings of the wise men who are led by a star to Bethlehem, where they visit Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:1–12). The Bible does not say how many wise men there were, nor does it say…

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